Saturday, 30 July 2016 03:52:00 | Written by jihanjihyun | 0 comments
Assalamualaikum and hai guys! I'm back with new product!! So,recently I just bought Miracle MH Serum a week before Raya because I was tooooo annoyed with my pimples growing up on my face day by day non-stop!!! Of course I want to be more prettier when celebrate Hari Raya,so I decided to buy serum and hopefully my aches go away. After "belek2" Instagram searching for the best serum ever in Malaysia (of course those are expensive was rejected earlier huhu) and I saw this Miracle MH Serum. There's many testimonies said that this product is SUPERB! welll... I don't have times to check other stuffs, so I just nahhhhh just take it laaa... And i compared all IG's shop who are selling this, which is the most cheapest and maybe there's sale kot. And finally I found and they give promotion price for the product!! I'm too excited that I bought 3 boxes... Yeah... Gelojoh kan... Tapi satu kotak tu boleh tahan almost 4 months tauuu! memang tak rugi belii!
K fine, I'll start to intro this product,k? So this product have 2 types that u can choose which one that suit your face. One the name is Clare'z Serum and 2nd is Ergani'z Serum. Both have different functions which is :-
Product ni 100% daripada natural ingredients and usually each box just RM80 and a box got 10 bottles. Kebiasaannya 1 bottle can last 7-11 days if u guys use it wisely. But for me just last 7 days each bottle cuz I use it frequently.
Okay,next, how to use it? U just need to drop about 2 drops on your palm and then tap on your face (or on your aches if your aches is worst as hell lol). Always use it early morning and before u sleep, and don't forget wash your face before use it to remove all dirt on your face! Keep repeat it and the most important is use it consistently! Keep calm and wait for the miracle come to you hahahha!
I used it almost a month and my ache scar almost gone! But still my pimples always replace by another newbie pimple!! I don't know why!! I guess because I'm stressing over engineering haha! Seriously... Nampak mcm senang like "ala... belajar fizik je...belajar computer je..." but Ya Allah... seriously... I'm trying here untuk nampak relax but inside... hhhmmm... almost everytime I keep thinking of my tutorial works,assignments,presentation,exam,test, quizzes, revise all tho.. but not yet start to complete it haha! I'm lazy,k... Saya ngaku...
p/s:sorry for my bad grammar,k... And if u guys wanna know more bout this product,just go to this link ---> because she is the founder of this product ^^

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