I'm an introvert and a simple minded girl. Love to share everything and keep it as memory. P/S: NOT A TOXIC PERSON :D



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You are the brightest shine i've been waiting for.

Monday, 15 October 2018 09:15:00 | Written by jihanjihyun | 0 comments

Hi! Hi! A new entry hereee!!! And yes! This time i will share what I won from a giveaway! As usual, this year I feel really lucky sebab dapat menang banyak giveaway unexpectedly! At first, I didn't know at all neither about this product nor this ig shop. But somehow my friend asked me to join this giveaway, and she said, "Mana tahu kan kau menang lagi." So I give it a try jelah, as it not costs me anything at all. And yes! I tak sangka pon akan menang 😂 Alhamdulillah sangattt!~ 

Have u guys ever heard about this brand named "Cute Press" before? I think out of 80% of  u guys never heard this brand pon. Me too, actually. I realised the back of the packaging, there's stated in English and Thai. So I assumed this brand from Thailand (??). So, this product mostly has Disney themed makeup and perfume lines, the I can guarantee the quality is on top! I did my researched and mostly said that their perfumes and makeup are so good eventho the prices are below RM50. This time, I have " The Little Mermaid Marine Collagen Lipstick" in code #04. There's 5 shades in total, and actually I like in shade of #01 and #05, but well... hahaha I dapat #04 😛 But still the colour is pretty thoo! I thought it will not suits me at all, but yess! The colour is just nice with all type of tones.

In English and Thai,see?

The packaging is soo cuteeee!!! I freaking love it!! 

So prettyyy 😭💕

At the bottom, there's written the colour code and the series number I assumed.

And it's easy to blend! 

What I like about this The Little Mermaid Marine Collagen Lipstick 💄✨

◾️ The price is very affordable! With their quality? Really worth it!
◾️ It's moisture your lips! Say NO to chapped lips!
◾️ It's easy to blend! Those who likes gradient lipstick style, u guys can try it out!
◾️ There's various shades u can choose! Like orangey tones? Pick #01 and #02! Like pinky? pick #03 and #04! Like darker colour? TAKE #05!

Overall, I'll give 5/10 for it, because I'm fan of matte lipstick huehue This type of lipstick is not my regular/daily choice, but if u guys dislike matte finishing; more into moisturizing lipstick, then this is truly bae for u guys! 😘 And fyi, their lipstick lines not only this type, ada banyak lagi tau! Go check their Instagram acc : @vedeseoofficial and scroll sampai habis! I would like to thank u for giving me opportunity to try their product  🙏🏻 I love it so much! That's all that I can share with u guys! Thank u so much sebab baca blog I yang entah pape ni hiks 

Do follow if guys like them a lot and send them lots of love!

Carmela Whitening Soap new version?? 🤔
Friday, 5 October 2018 01:04:00 | Written by jihanjihyun | 2 comments

Hi! Assalamualaikum guys! Remember last time, I tried this one soap called "Carmela Whitening Soap" and how it made my skin looks terrible? Somehow the owner of this brand had confronted me through whatsapp and we're discussed about how can she improved her product and not simply suggests to those who have sensitive skin like mine. After a few months, she messaged me and introduced the new version of  Carmela Whitening Soap and she likely to give me a try, FOR FREE! Ay! This has been like more than 5 months back(??) I forgot. I've been really busy and didn't have any time to update my blog hahaha BUT here my honest review for this new soap! And fyi, she gave me this soap not for sponsoring, but for helping me get through my sensitive skin. 

She claims that they improved the ingredients to make it suitable for sensitive skin.After I compared the ingredients between the old version and new one, they have added Aloe Vera and T3 (Triiodothyronine). As we know, Aloe Vera is very good for our skin. It helps burn, acne, and it moisturizes; hence it helps with aging. And for T3, it's a hormone that helps with growth and development in our body.  I'm not a chemist tho, so this is based on online material. If u guys know better than me, pls do comment in section below and give me ur opinion onto this soap.

I've been told that it's so hard for a certain products to be marketed in Singapore as they're really strict controlling outsider brands to get into their country. But this product has been allowed to get market at there; by means, it safes! 

So these r my opinions about it! 👀

✨ I had used it for about 2 months and my skin still looks normal. Not in bad way. There's no peeling,irritation,itchy or redness. 

✨ I can't see any changing in my skin colour. My skin  not very fair, not that dark too. If there's any changes, it will obvious but I can't see it. Maybe I have to continue for a second soap, i guess?
✨ For acne, I'm still doubt too. I see changes, but I don't know is it because of the soap or because I'm using toner and serum. Because I had upcoming event, I need to have a better skin, so I use all my skincare products ; this soap as cleanser, toner and serum,moisturizer,sleeping mask and sunblock.

Not flawless at all but better. The acne slowly reduces and my skin not dry like before. I didn't use foundation at all u can tell. Just moisturizer and blusher huhu

 ✨ I give 5.5/10 because I still can't tell my skin better because of it or not hahaha! But so far, it does not make my skin worst like the old version. 

Thumbs up for the brand because u guys took my opinions and thoughts and try to improve it!  That is what u guys suppose to do. Take all negative and positive thoughts of ur customers. Do not just expect every testimony will be positive je. Also need to consider all the negative testimony as we the most problematic here. Thats how u will survive until the end. 

Drop ur comment down below if u guys have any doubt, question or opinion towards this product! I'm sending love,bye!🖤

and p/s: Pardon my English, sis. I'm trying k. Feel free to correct me!

🔥 Maybelline Superstay Matte vs. NYX Powder Puff Lippie Powder Lip Cream 🔥
Thursday, 4 October 2018 21:41:00 | Written by jihanjihyun | 0 comments

Hi,Assalamualaikum semua!!! Lama jugakkan tak update? LOL This entry dah lama nak update since both lip creams just released and I terus beli sebab nak try! But well, as usually, malas nak update dalam blog uhuk uhuk! Dah berhabuk habis blog ni! So, Jihan dah try both lip creams ni, and both brands sememangnya well known, tapi this time Jihan nak compare dua lip creams ni and tengok mana better as both released almost at the same time. Next time, before u guys nak beli, u guys bolehlah nilai sendiri lepas baca ni kan,gitew~

As u guys can see from the title itself, dah tahulah kan brand apa. U can say, brand high end dari Sephora vs. brand drugstore je. Both prices are almost the same which is RM 38 for NYX Powder Puff and RM 35 for Superstay Matte. I bought each of them just one colour je because the colour range is not that various, so I just picked NYX in #Pop Quiz and Superstay Matte in #50 (VOYAGER). p/s:Im sorry for the background of pictures below HAHAHA! I dont have any good background that time so,yep.. grass and tree is the best for background 🙄

The packaging for Superstay Matte is so-so for me. Nothing new but still okayy!

Actually, i kinda like their applicator! It's quite easy to apply!

🌸 What I like about Maybelline SuperStay Matte 🌸

 ♥️ The applicator!I love how easy for me to apply the lip cream on my lips!
 ♥️ I love the colour! Red is always suits the best with everyone!
 ♥️ It do stays! U can say that it is kiss proof lip cream! 

🌸 What I don't like about Maybelline SuperStay Matte 🌸
 ♥️ It is really hard to remove eventho I'm using oil based makeup remover. I tried putting it on my hands and observe how many days it will last. And yes, about 4 days the stain still on.
 ♥️ I don't like the texture of the lip cream. If u like full lip cream on your lips, maybe u like it. But for me, I do like when there's transition colours on my lips,so the texture need to be soft and blend-able. But this one, it doesn't at all. Not my style  😝
 ♥️  Maybe for me, RM35 is not worth. I wear this only three times and I started using others.

I swatched all the colours when get there to see which colour suits me well, and even it has been the third day, the stain wont come off. completely!

The applicator is also niceeee!~

🌸 What I like about NYX Powder Puff Lippie Powder Lip Cream 🌸

 ♥️ The texture is sooooooo freaking softtt!!! Have u tried PeriPera Cloud Ink Velvet? Their softness are almost the sameee!~ So soft like cloudy touch gitew~
 ♥️ I like the tube packaging! Easy for me to 'korek-korek' and use the product se maximum yang mungkin! I have problem untuk korek every Colourpop lipcream sebab applicator yang pendek and tak boleh pakai semuanya. 
 ♥️ The colour range is totally gorgeous! I actually susah nak pilih which one, and I end up took the safest colour; dark plum colour .
♥️ No need to frequently to picit bcs the puff (the applicator) dah serap,so juat one swipe, 
♥️ For the price, I think it's affordable! Saing saing harga drugstore products.

🌸 What I don't like about NYX Powder Puff Lippie Powder Lip Cream 🌸

 ♥️ The applicator tak tahan lama,easy to torn apart. So. jangan pakai ganas-ganas hehe
 ♥️ Not last longer. Need to apply frequently huhu

Swatches for Superstay Matte (top) and Powder Puff (below). U can see texture of Powder Puff looks softer rather than Superstay Matte.  


After i try to blend them, of course, Powder Puff really easy to blend as the texture is super softt!

So this is basically what I can share with u guys! 🙈💕 So overall, I will give 2/5 for Maybelline Superstay Matte and 3/5 NYX Powder Puff Lippie Powder Lip Cream ! I will give higher if I use them frequently but nahhh... But!!! I'll give 4/5 for NYX Powder Puff if it's cream blusher 😂 I use it as blusher more frequently compare to as lipcream! The texture is too soft and I'm not a fan of powder blusher. Alternatively, use pink lipcream instead of  real powder blusher !😉

Friday, 30 March 2018 05:56:00 | Written by jihanjihyun | 0 comments

        Hi and Assalamualaikum,uolss! Huehue I tengah semester break currently~ A few more weeks left before I'll start my second year degree! I don't feel excited enough as my result still not come out yet. So far for first year,idk... IT'S SO HARD,U GUYS! 😭😭 Got 3 years more and graduate! Pls lah!! I don't want repeat or extend bcs THIS IS SO EXHAUSTED ! Trust me! Degree life in MMU is 100x worst than UiTM or other IPTA 😣. But In-sya-Allah, after graduate,all my efforts (this one... i still don't know which part I put my effort on huhu ) will pay off! MMU promised me no "unemployment" after graduate! Kiranya sijil MMU laku teruk lah especially for IT and Engineering course. Meh sama-sama kita doakan Nurjihan Atiqah Mohd 😌.

        Oh ya! Back to topic! Actually I dah menang last January, but this time i got to update in my blog hehe If u had seen my post on Instagram (FOR THOSE THAT STILL NOT FOLLOWING ME,GO FOLLOW LAH! APA TUNGGU LAGI?),u alrdy knew lah about this. But this time,in my blog, I wanna tell you guys why I want this heels so bad 😝

        Actually I'm not really a fan of heels.I only got one heels before;just to wear it when there's formal event and have to match with my baju kurung. I'm more into a sneaker person. But i bought that heels since 2014 from Zalora, but somehow, I felt the heels was so old kot 😂 It's actually a wedges but the design I think alrdy out dated. So I belek-belek lah kedai yang jual kasut heels semua and memang dari dulu I minat The Geroboc. But I had never been there before. I suka beli kasut yang I memang dah try,berkenan betul,baru I grab! The one that I bought from Zalora,it's not that nice kot. I have to admit,kaki I sakit and the size slightly bigger. Then, I dah minat betul satu kasut ni, and ended up I pergi kedai dia kat PJ.At first I just wanna buy only one pair,but huhuhu my mom asked me to take another pair~ Well, if she insists huhu (U know I'm the one that have to spend my money,right?)

        But still,for me,IT WORTH MY MONEY! Except I still cant balance using those.... It's so comfy and the designs are sooooo sooo sooo pretty kot!! I bought KIRA (in black) and Grace (in pink) and the prices are not so bad actually for that quality! I usually wear KIRA as the base is more larger (so I can walk like a normal girls duhhh).

Grace but mine kinda in nude pink idk lol (picture taken from The Geroboc's instagram)

-Kira- For those who not used  with heels, maybe can try this heels sebab susah nak jatuh (actually banyak kali dah terpelecok tapi tu memang sebab I tak pandai berjalan dengan heels 😅) (picture taken from The Geroboc's instagram)

        Masa beli kat kedai dia haritu, my sis suka satu design ni but that time still tak release untuk pasaran lagi.Diorang just letak untuk display or teaser up coming design,maybe. So my sis ni sedih sikitlah,sebab dia suka gila kot dengan design tu. Yes, I pon tergugat gak dengan design tu sebab memang lawa but tengok balik heels tu mcm nak dekat satu jengkal tinggi dia,uishhh memang tak lah nak pakaiiiiii!! HADOI!

        Then after that design officially released, i just found out the price is almost RM200!DAYM! I baru je ingatkan nak belanja my sis.Lepas tu,barulah The Geroboc start buat giveaway for that design AND I REALLY WANT TO WIN THAT FOR THE SAKE OF MY SISTER! I tak cakap dulu dengan my sister pasal ni sebab tak nak dia berharap. Dia pon tak tahu sebab dia tak follow The Geroboc (Shes not very active in Instagram).Kalau betullah I menang nanti,I nak buat surprise. Niat tu penting ye anak anak! Hahaha Niat baik, insya-Allah semua mudah nanti huehue I suka masuk giveaway yang tak perlu nak effort banyak sangat haha! Just repost sekali for me dah okay.

        Alhamdulillah lepas tu they'd announced the winners AND I'M ONE OF EM! ALHAMDULILLAHHH!!!!! Then diorang dm for details,nak colour apa and size. I ingat nak surprise bila dah ada kasut tu,tapi kang tersalah size and dia tak suka colour yang I pilih. Then I decided untuk tanya my sis,which one dia nak and size dia apa. HEY!IT'S OBVIOUS KOT! Terus dia macam,"OMG!Nak belanja keeee??!!!" I know her tones when shes get too excited.And thennnn,at lasttttttt,Kak Ayu pon dapatlah kasut tuuu..... Rezeki ibu mengandung katanya 😙

        This one u guys kalau minat,the name is Stella (check #stella from their ig). SUMPAH CANTIK.GUYS! I pakai pon nampak cantik sangat huehue bak kata orang,orang cantik ni pakai apa pon cantik,ye dok? HAHA😝 just kidding,k... So CHECK THEIR INSTAGRAM AND THEIR COLLECTION GUYS! THOSE YANG TAK MINAT HEELS GUARANTEE LEPAS NI TERPIKAT JUGAK! -->  @thegeroboc 👠💖

Their packaging is just a simple box with cute card note over there 💓

I took this pic but obviously I should replace the rope with the nicer one lol (akibat selalu tengok gambar wedding,this style is too common haha)

Another shot u can learn 😉


✨Blush by CALAQISYA ✨
Saturday, 13 January 2018 07:46:00 | Written by jihanjihyun | 0 comments

        Hi,everyoneee!!!~ Welcome!Welcome to my blog~! Recently, cuaca gila gila sejuk kott! 😖 Sejuk sangat sampai nak pijak lantai pon mengigil! Kena pakai stokin everytime. Dah azan Zohor pon cuaca macam pukul 8 pagi fuhhhh~ Cabaran betul nak bangun pagi hahaha! We all know musim Tengkujuh kan sekarang. Raining non-stop,and eventho there's no rain, kepanasan still tak dapat dirasai gitew~ So, memang berapa ramai jelah mandi kan musim sekarang. Ada yang mandi sekali sehari, ada yang tak mandi langsung (ni mesti u guys ah ni..) I mandi dua kali sehari,k~ Kalau tak selalunya setiap kali balik kelas,sebelum nak solat, nak mandi je kerja. So,memang masuklah dengan entry kali ni hehe~ Buat siapa memang tak mandi kan, cuba cubalah pakai perfume ke,body mist ke. Takdelah aku nak pitam dalam kelas. 😂 

        I'm not a big fan of perfume or body mist tho cuz I don't have "bau badan" yang kuat ah. I have bought some branded perfumes before this,quite expensive but I teringin sangat nak wangi (bau I just plain lah.. bukan busuk..hmm.. ) so,I give it a try lah. I bought Britney Spears Midnight Fantasy and then I bought Nicki Minaj Pink Friday. Memang wangi,I tak tipu! I suka gila kot bau dia but after a few hours, bau dia dah hilang while kalau my mom or sister pakai, lama kot.. sampai malam. IDK WHYYY!!! 

        So,this time I bought BLUSH by CALAQISYA!!~ FYI, Calaqisya recently just released perfume line in their outlet and this is first time!  (actually my mom bought it,but well... whatever barang dia,barang I jugak hehe~ She said we're gonna share it so why not~?) At first, I didn't showed any interest kot nak beli or nak bau ke apa. My mom belek2 pon sebab tunggu I pilih baju lama sangat (mcm 15 minit mcm tu je hm.) then bau semuanya. 

        My mom memang suka gila dengan perfume perfume ni. Cakap je jenama apa, dia ada semuanya.. I je tak minat sangat. So dia dah bau bau,dia nak satu and dia beli bau Brooklyn sebab tu the sweetest bau among of all them. I pon bau, not bad tauu!~ Wangi sangat!~ 😍 Packaging dia pon cantik sangat~ It's in glass bottle and there's like diamond cap on top of it~ Simple but nice 👍🏻 I suka ahh~ Supposedly the scent can last till like 12 hours la but I think there's problem lah with my body 😂 Pakai yang beratus punya perfume pon still tak lekat-lekat.. (Kiranya,my maintenance tak banyak pon,wahai future husband 😬) Tapi my mom kata okay lah~After like 6 hours keluar,still ada bila balik tu. 

        Tapi I can say, selalunya apa-apa bau perfume I pening sangat kalau pakai walaupun pakai sikit. Semua brand except Rexona or Victoria Secret.Tu je I tak pening. And THIS ONE! I PON TAK PENING! Bau dia sweet but not strong macam menyengat tuu. Bagi I perfect ah! Okay ah! 

        Kalau nak tahu harga, sebotol hanya RM59 for only 35ml. For me... hhhmmm... quite okay lah but usually I beli perfume sebelum ni semua 100ml. For those yang nak pakai bila ada event formal apa-apa ke, bolehlah.Yang macam I,pakai jarang-jarang haha

        So,for me is it worth the money and should u get them? Yess!!~ First, support la local brand (sometimes harga diorg I tunggu sale baru beli sebab kadang-kadang tak masuk akal untuk student macam I beli HAHA) . Second, sedap kot bau diiaaaaaa!!!~ U SHOULD SMELL EM BY YOURSELF! Third, affordable kot harga dia. Semua orang boleh beli or student yang baru nak ke alam universitykan, nak bergaya gaya sikit or wangi wangi kan, boleh lah beli dari habis duit ke victoria secret tu. Nak beli pon takde hal, but I bukan jenis support fake or gred sangat. That's you guys punya opinion lah~ I tak kisah pon hehe~  Kalau u guys nak suruh I suggest lagi satu code yang wangi jugak, I suka Rio gak~ Bau manly tapi still u suka! Siapa yang single and nak acah-acah bayang ada boyfriend macam I,bolehlah beli HAHAHA! RECOMMENDED LOL

        Tu jelah I boleh kongsi. Mungkin tak membantu haha! Kalau malas nak pergi kat Bangi or Shah Alam, beli je kat website diorang --> http://www.calaqisya.com/ (memang bookmark dekat Google Chrome sebab nak belek sale diorg)AND BTW, I BOUGHT THEIR LATEST #CalaPants (http://www.calaqisya.com/product_info.php?products_id=4849) MEMANG BEST GILA I SWEAR!!! First-first tu, I fikir 10 kali nak beli ke tak tau sebab mahal. Tapi I PAKAI SUMPAH BEST! Tak fikir banyak,hari yang first day released tu,TERUS I BELI! Sumpah kalau ada rezeki lagi,I beli lagi! So,if u guys nak shopping, biar nyesal beli,jangan nyesal tak beli sebab perit sangat hati bila tak dapat beli. Ada je duit sikit, beli je apa yang you nak! Tapi utamakan yang mana penting ye~ Hehe That's all je I mampu bagi review~ ❤️❤️ Bye Bye! Ada rezeki lagi, I update more things untuk u guys!~ Assalamualaikum!

Friday, 5 January 2018 10:52:00 | Written by jihanjihyun | 0 comments

        Hi and Assalamualaikum, U guys!~ Update back with latest info about myself!~ If u guys have follow me on Instagram,and based on the title, sure u guys already knew what giveaway I won, righttt?~ If u guys still don't know what is all about, I WON NAKED HEAT PALETTE!!! YESSSZZZZEEEUUU!!!!!! This is my FIRST GIVEAWAY GIFT EVER!!!! I'm very very very grateful to get this love in my life hahaha! I got it from FavFul (u guys can check their website --> http://www.favful.com/ and their Instagram account --> https://www.instagram.com/favful/?hl=en) They always do giveaway every week so make sure u guys join all their giveawayyy!~ 

        Honestlykan, memang masa masuk giveaway ni sambil lewa lah. Tak mengharap sangat pon. And u guys no need always repost their pic many times or comment many times pon! U just gotta have to active in their community beauty discussion (which I'm very active huehue). That time, kena tag 2 orang kawan and active lah. Sumpah waktu tu just tag kawan and biarlah. Then after a few weeks, i got noti on Instagram stated that FavFul has tagged me on their latest post! Memang waktu tu rasa breathless gila hahahaha! Terus macam tarik nafas,turun~ Fuhhhh~ Sabar,sabar. Jangan jump into conclusion. Then buka-buka, MY NAME WAS THERE! IN THEIR PICTURE AND I'M ONE OF THE WINNERS! 

I terus screenshot and save kott!!! OF COURSE! FIRST GIVEAWAY I WON!

        I terus jerit and panggil abang I, Shazwan and my mom!!! "ARRGHHH!!! MAMA!!!! ABBY MENANGG!!! ALHAMDULLILAHHH!!!! SOLAT DHUHA SELALU!!" Memang rezeki I waktu tu dapat! Of course la happy weyyy!! Naked from Urban Decay kot! I never had one makeup from Urban Decay (but I always wear my sister's la) This palette dekat Sephora about RM 230, I guess but still for me,I can't afford it. Exclude this palette, I already have 2 more palettes which is Too Faced Sweet Peach (RM200) and Tarte Tartelette Amazonian Clay Matte (RM140 after sale huehue). Later, I will update more about them in details. But, I SWEAR! EVERYTHING WORKS WONDER! The pigmentation is no joke!Of course la kann~ I don't want to do swatches. If u want, go google it 😂😂😂 Hahahaha! 

The thing I loveeeeeee about this palette is:-

☘️The colours and shades are truly my favourite!!! More like ground shades colours AND I LOVE IT! Exactly my style! It suits every style I got! And I'm not fan of bright and pop colours. As you can see, my other palettes got nice and soft shades. Peach,pink,brown,kinda gold, etc.

☘️The colours is SOOOOOO PIGMENTED kot!!! I memang jimat kot pakai semua ni HAHAHA sayang weyyy!~ So,the pigmentation helps me to jimat my usage lah giteww~
☘️The PACKAGING yowwww! EXCELLENT! SUPER EXCELLENT! I LOVE IT! From the box, to the actual packaging , everything is too perfect! Looks super exclusive! There's magnet between the two lids,but still it secures the palette. Don't worry~ 
☘️The mirror and brush are provided,same like previous NAKED palettes. But the brush is really helps me so much as I don't have any makeup brush 😂 I'm the type done everything with my magical fingers~ But for eye makeup, you gotta precise to get the perfect look,yow! 
☘️Its Urban Decay,and it's free! WHO NOT LOVE IT!? TELL ME?! 


The colours so pwetty righttttttttttt!!!???~

        For me to receive my gift, I have to wait about 2 weeks until they restocked back everything. Macam orang gila jugaklah menunggu,but! WORTH IT!!!~ It's okay! Just wait a few more days! Control! That's how I remain cool hahahah! I bet ya, you will always email and dm favful where's your prize,right?! Huh! LOSER! Lol k I'm joking... I will give 4.8/5 stars! This is so perfect but not yet first perfect.I will try to look out for other perfect palette! Then will compare back! So, if u guys wanna try this, SURE! U NEED! U MUST!Got the money? WHY NOT! Go for it! I support you! Go!GO!!!! Go to Sephora or Urban Decay and get it for yourself! It;s okay if you not really good in make up. Me too! I also don't know make up so much, but invest your money for good makeup is exactly thing u need to do,wahmennn! Good Makeup,Good Skin, I SWEAR YOUR FACE WILL LOOK KEBABOOMM!

The box looks like match box,right!? Sumpah,classy gila!

Ayyy!~Not a great lighting...

        So,thats's all for this entry yayy! Hope u will enjoy! Thank you so much for spending your precious time on my tah ape ape blog huehue. Don't forget to drop any comment if u wanna say or give tips to me. I don't mindd~ But don't come to my room and ask me for makeup 🙋🏻. Bye Bye and Assalamualaikum!

☘️ First Impression Towards ANAS ☘️
09:17:00 | Written by jihanjihyun | 2 comments

        Hai!Assalamualaikumm!~ So, a few weeks ago,I went to The Geroboc dekat PJ, just for buying heels (I'm not heel's fan actually.. Just bought it in case for any event that has the dress code idk ). Then dekat tingkat bawah tu, me and my family just realized yang kat bawah tu ada kedai ASHH&ANNAS. I'm not very aware of that clothing brand but the only thing I know once I entered that outlet,ANAS lipstick ada jual kat situ. (Helllooo~? It's pretty obvious kot based on the name..duhh..) 

        I really want to try their lipstick kot!!! But i didn't know the price. After I belek-belek, barulah tahu 1 liquid lipstick tu RM49.90! Damn.. Rasa macam mahal kot. And my mom pon joined me do swatches while we waiting for my Kakak cari baju untuk kenduri. I really like one of the colours; Sofea tak silap. That time, the colours for their liquid lipstick tak banyak pon,just only got 5 colours. But recently they just produced another 3 colours. Seriously lawaaa!! U guys kena tengok sendiri! Personally, I love Fatema more la but this one is the new shade. Okay, then my mom kan join sekali swatch, then she really liked AMINA la. Suit her lip's colour. So,dia suka,dia pon beli~ I tak beli sebab duit ilek (semua tahu kan maksudnya "tak ada".)

        Before this, I gave my mom Colourpop liquid lipstick, but she lost it. That's why she bought the new one.Then after few days, she got her Colourpop lipstick back,she gave me her ANAS liquid lipstick HAHAHA YAY! Seriously, the texture is soooooooooooooo softtttttttt!!!!! It does not makes our lips dry AT ALL! And I would say the colour is so nice thoooooo!~ Hahahaha! I'm in love with it! The colour suit me not so well,I have to blend with other pink lipstick, make some gradient look. 

        Is it sticky? Not too sticky la.. Boleh lahh... Compare to Sleek Makeup Matte Me tu, jauh beza kottt!! Sticky GILA NAK MAMPOS! Harga sama tauu 😂😂😂 Memang ANAS better! Tapi compare to Colourpop punya,sumpah tak melekit kot! Memang matte gila,tapi bibir kering sikit. Bau yang ANAS ni pon okay~ Macam chocolaty 😋 I would like to give 4 stars out of 5!! 🌟🌟🌟🌟 I deduct one star as the price is too pricey hehe If I have extra money later, I like to collect 6 colours more~ Honestly! :D SO, if u guys interested, can check their website here --> https://anasism.com/ and go buy em all!!  (I swear to GOD, I really hope this entry is sponsored by ANAS but... no.. No.. I really want to get sponsored by them...so sad...)

The packaging nice laa~ But the font, do u think it's quite familiar?Yeah, somehow looks like NARS..

This packaging looks EXACTLY like Sleep Makeup Matte Me ! Luckily they didn't print their brand at the cap.Kalau ye, sumpah serupa.

Yes...~ This shade named AMINA  😍

Swatches for AMINA shade. The right one is after-blend looks like.IT'S SO PRETTY! I LOVE IT!


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