Friday, 30 March 2018 05:56:00 | Written by jihanjihyun | 0 comments
Hi and Assalamualaikum,uolss! Huehue I tengah semester break currently~ A few more weeks left before I'll start my second year degree! I don't feel excited enough as my result still not come out yet. So far for first year,idk... IT'S SO HARD,U GUYS! 😭😭 Got 3 years more and graduate! Pls lah!! I don't want repeat or extend bcs THIS IS SO EXHAUSTED ! Trust me! Degree life in MMU is 100x worst than UiTM or other IPTA 😣. But In-sya-Allah, after graduate,all my efforts (this one... i still don't know which part I put my effort on huhu ) will pay off! MMU promised me no "unemployment" after graduate! Kiranya sijil MMU laku teruk lah especially for IT and Engineering course. Meh sama-sama kita doakan Nurjihan Atiqah Mohd 😌.
Oh ya! Back to topic! Actually I dah menang last January, but this time i got to update in my blog hehe If u had seen my post on Instagram (FOR THOSE THAT STILL NOT FOLLOWING ME,GO FOLLOW LAH! APA TUNGGU LAGI?),u alrdy knew lah about this. But this time,in my blog, I wanna tell you guys why I want this heels so bad 😝
Actually I'm not really a fan of heels.I only got one heels before;just to wear it when there's formal event and have to match with my baju kurung. I'm more into a sneaker person. But i bought that heels since 2014 from Zalora, but somehow, I felt the heels was so old kot 😂 It's actually a wedges but the design I think alrdy out dated. So I belek-belek lah kedai yang jual kasut heels semua and memang dari dulu I minat The Geroboc. But I had never been there before. I suka beli kasut yang I memang dah try,berkenan betul,baru I grab! The one that I bought from Zalora,it's not that nice kot. I have to admit,kaki I sakit and the size slightly bigger. Then, I dah minat betul satu kasut ni, and ended up I pergi kedai dia kat PJ.At first I just wanna buy only one pair,but huhuhu my mom asked me to take another pair~ Well, if she insists huhu (U know I'm the one that have to spend my money,right?)
But still,for me,IT WORTH MY MONEY! Except I still cant balance using those.... It's so comfy and the designs are sooooo sooo sooo pretty kot!! I bought KIRA (in black) and Grace (in pink) and the prices are not so bad actually for that quality! I usually wear KIRA as the base is more larger (so I can walk like a normal girls duhhh).
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Grace but mine kinda in nude pink idk lol (picture taken from The Geroboc's instagram) |
Masa beli kat kedai dia haritu, my sis suka satu design ni but that time still tak release untuk pasaran lagi.Diorang just letak untuk display or teaser up coming design,maybe. So my sis ni sedih sikitlah,sebab dia suka gila kot dengan design tu. Yes, I pon tergugat gak dengan design tu sebab memang lawa but tengok balik heels tu mcm nak dekat satu jengkal tinggi dia,uishhh memang tak lah nak pakaiiiiii!! HADOI!
Then after that design officially released, i just found out the price is almost RM200!DAYM! I baru je ingatkan nak belanja my sis.Lepas tu,barulah The Geroboc start buat giveaway for that design AND I REALLY WANT TO WIN THAT FOR THE SAKE OF MY SISTER! I tak cakap dulu dengan my sister pasal ni sebab tak nak dia berharap. Dia pon tak tahu sebab dia tak follow The Geroboc (Shes not very active in Instagram).Kalau betullah I menang nanti,I nak buat surprise. Niat tu penting ye anak anak! Hahaha Niat baik, insya-Allah semua mudah nanti huehue I suka masuk giveaway yang tak perlu nak effort banyak sangat haha! Just repost sekali for me dah okay.
Alhamdulillah lepas tu they'd announced the winners AND I'M ONE OF EM! ALHAMDULILLAHHH!!!!! Then diorang dm for details,nak colour apa and size. I ingat nak surprise bila dah ada kasut tu,tapi kang tersalah size and dia tak suka colour yang I pilih. Then I decided untuk tanya my sis,which one dia nak and size dia apa. HEY!IT'S OBVIOUS KOT! Terus dia macam,"OMG!Nak belanja keeee??!!!" I know her tones when shes get too excited.And thennnn,at lasttttttt,Kak Ayu pon dapatlah kasut tuuu..... Rezeki ibu mengandung katanya 😙
This one u guys kalau minat,the name is Stella (check #stella from their ig). SUMPAH CANTIK.GUYS! I pakai pon nampak cantik sangat huehue bak kata orang,orang cantik ni pakai apa pon cantik,ye dok? HAHA😝 just kidding,k... So CHECK THEIR INSTAGRAM AND THEIR COLLECTION GUYS! THOSE YANG TAK MINAT HEELS GUARANTEE LEPAS NI TERPIKAT JUGAK! -->
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Their packaging is just a simple box with cute card note over there 💓 |
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I took this pic but obviously I should replace the rope with the nicer one lol (akibat selalu tengok gambar wedding,this style is too common haha) |
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Another shot u can learn 😉 |
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💖 IN LOVE 💖 |

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