Friday, 5 January 2018 09:17:00 | Written by jihanjihyun | 2 comments
Hai!Assalamualaikumm!~ So, a few weeks ago,I went to The Geroboc dekat PJ, just for buying heels (I'm not heel's fan actually.. Just bought it in case for any event that has the dress code idk ). Then dekat tingkat bawah tu, me and my family just realized yang kat bawah tu ada kedai ASHH&ANNAS. I'm not very aware of that clothing brand but the only thing I know once I entered that outlet,ANAS lipstick ada jual kat situ. (Helllooo~? It's pretty obvious kot based on the name..duhh..)
I really want to try their lipstick kot!!! But i didn't know the price. After I belek-belek, barulah tahu 1 liquid lipstick tu RM49.90! Damn.. Rasa macam mahal kot. And my mom pon joined me do swatches while we waiting for my Kakak cari baju untuk kenduri. I really like one of the colours; Sofea tak silap. That time, the colours for their liquid lipstick tak banyak pon,just only got 5 colours. But recently they just produced another 3 colours. Seriously lawaaa!! U guys kena tengok sendiri! Personally, I love Fatema more la but this one is the new shade. Okay, then my mom kan join sekali swatch, then she really liked AMINA la. Suit her lip's colour. So,dia suka,dia pon beli~ I tak beli sebab duit ilek (semua tahu kan maksudnya "tak ada".)
Before this, I gave my mom Colourpop liquid lipstick, but she lost it. That's why she bought the new one.Then after few days, she got her Colourpop lipstick back,she gave me her ANAS liquid lipstick HAHAHA YAY! Seriously, the texture is soooooooooooooo softtttttttt!!!!! It does not makes our lips dry AT ALL! And I would say the colour is so nice thoooooo!~ Hahahaha! I'm in love with it! The colour suit me not so well,I have to blend with other pink lipstick, make some gradient look.
Is it sticky? Not too sticky la.. Boleh lahh... Compare to Sleek Makeup Matte Me tu, jauh beza kottt!! Sticky GILA NAK MAMPOS! Harga sama tauu 😂😂😂 Memang ANAS better! Tapi compare to Colourpop punya,sumpah tak melekit kot! Memang matte gila,tapi bibir kering sikit. Bau yang ANAS ni pon okay~ Macam chocolaty 😋 I would like to give 4 stars out of 5!! 🌟🌟🌟🌟 I deduct one star as the price is too pricey hehe If I have extra money later, I like to collect 6 colours more~ Honestly! :D SO, if u guys interested, can check their website here --> and go buy em all!! (I swear to GOD, I really hope this entry is sponsored by ANAS but... no.. No.. I really want to get sponsored by sad...)
The packaging nice laa~ But the font, do u think it's quite familiar?Yeah, somehow looks like NARS.. |
This packaging looks EXACTLY like Sleep Makeup Matte Me ! Luckily they didn't print their brand at the cap.Kalau ye, sumpah serupa. |
Yes...~ This shade named AMINA 😍 |
Swatches for AMINA shade. The right one is after-blend looks like.IT'S SO PRETTY! I LOVE IT! |

@sitiaisych I also don't know 😂 both have their own pro's and con's~ For colourpop,they got MANY SHADES (i bought like 10 lipsticks and i can't get enough of it!),MUCH MORE CHEAPER (only 6$),no scent and not sticky at all. But somehow they a little bit heavy on my lips and makes my lips dried.And it's really hard to buy as I gotta wait about a month++ to receive it (no outlet has sell Colourpop even in Sephora,so have to order from US).I would like to give 4.8/5 also hehe
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