My First Expensive Lipstick I Ever Have!! - Innisfree ❤️
Thursday, 7 December 2017 08:09:00 | Written by jihanjihyun |
Hello and Assalamualaikum,everyone!~ (acah acah macam ramai pembaca 😂) Since recently I just starting my new semester (next sem will start my 2nd year~ 🙈) so, I have time for update ALLLLLL products and stories that I already plan to do. Actually, what I gonna talk about this time issss MY FIRST TIME HANGOUT WITH MY SISTER,Raudhahh!!~ This moment was on last April (and yessss.... I just got the mood to type everything..). It's only me and Raudhah ONLY! Hahaha! No Parents! No other sibling! Just US! (I want to show everyone that I'M independent af )
At first,my mom got Reunion Party with her ex school mates somewhere at Johor and I really don't like join that kind of event as I knowwwww, it will be really boring yet awkward situation. So, I decided plan to window shopping with Raudhah at Jusco Tebrau.Usually i go there for watching movies along with my cousins and sibling,AT NIGHT. So, we don't have a lot of time to wonder around. So,this moment,I want to explore everything that I could. I asked my mom,and she agreed. Before she went to the Reunion Party's venue, she dropped us first at Jusco.
That time, Raudhah did know how to behave, not like usual. Because she scared of me huehue. But the way she behaved is like,she not passive, but more like whenever I offer something, she just shake her head. Okay, that's fine to me tho.First planning,we want to watch movie, but literally all movies tickets were sold out.😕 So, I guess we just have to 'jalan jalan' jelah.. We went to KFC,stop by at Secret Recipe just for buying 2 slices cakes,then start our window shopping and take picture together!~ It was soo fun actually!!~ 😎 (because that time, i still got money in my wallet. 3-digit cash huehue)
There was Raudhah enjoying her favourite food ever |
We in JAPAN VILLAGE! So cute tho.. I mean,the dolls. That kid?Just ignore her. mehhh... |
We just played this & literally, we just wasting our money here 😌 |
There was LARGE arcade shop & many exciting games in it! |
My cake already jahanam... |
Raudhah tried to hard to be cute as possible haha! |
Then, we went to Kaison (well... One of the prettiest shop u can take a picture and use their things as props haha)! Raudhah was so hyper that time because she can't hold any longer of the cuteness of the stuffed toy there~ (Even me saw them make me got so excitedd!!)
So softtt~ Like my fluffy tummy~ |
This is Raudhah being so extra |
Lemme think first,will ya? |
K,thennnnnnn~, we went to Innisfree!!~ YAYYYY!!~ Actually I went to many korean brands outlet (Face Shop, Apieu,..I can't remember much.) But that time, Sephora was still in process to run, so can't visit Sephora TT.TT .There's also Urban Decay, UD, but still.. why should I go there when I just left plenty of money.. cannot.. Lemah iman di dada ni. Okay, straight to the point, I went Innisfree and actually I want just "belek-belek" je the lipstick and mask. But before this, I like this one lipstick from Hermo website, from Innisfree la,ITS SO PRETTY. So I check check, I found it! Then look at the price. MasyaALLAHH,sis.... RM52 for one. FOR ONE. That time I just started to buy lip tints (RM19 and RM34) and a few things (like mascara,eyebrow pencil,etc)just a simple makeup.I said to myself "Maybe I should start buy the expensive one." Yes. I bought it and a few masks. They gave me along the sample and I be their member~
The texture is soooo nice!Moist and yet,pigmented! Very hydrating also!The packaging is cute right?! I love it so much huehue~ I still have it until now and the lipstick still got a lot, because I barely use it. It's pigmented, but once you drink water, everything will disappear because it's moist. It's not kiss proof. So, I just use it when i want hehe~ I didnt do the swatch (I'm sorryyyy..But later will update back and put the image along here). And all the masks i bought are specialized for acne skin or sensitive skin. (Based on what the salesgirl told me.She was the one that picked for me :D) So that's all for this time entry! Thank u so much for spending ur time here hehe~ Hope u will gain something and don't hesitate to drop any comment beloww~ I will always check my inbox (because I'm so lazy to study)... BYEBYE!!~
Sory tumpang tanya, harga teddy bear besar tu dkt kaison berapa ye range dia? Affordable tak?
Hi! Im sorry,dear.. I didnt check their prices 😣 I bet the prices is in range RM30-40, i suppose 😕
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