Business Week? DONE!!~
Friday, 13 January 2017 09:25:00 | Written by jihanjihyun |
Assalamualaikum and hello u guys!! Jihan dah lama sangat tak update ni.. Sem last ni memang penuh cabaran and 2 times harder than the previous semesters.. It makes sense la kan~ Last sem.. So this semester, I have to take Business Management subject and on week 9 we have to do our Business project which is this week. Since week 2, we have to brainstorm everything. Dari apa nak jual, apa nak buat sume lahhh.. This is not my first experience of business because, before this, ada lah jual jugak waktu Hari Kantin kat SIS dulu... Tapi this time, more to formal lah. Ada procedure dia which is we have to pass up weekly report to our lecturer, which is Sir Boey, and we have to do proposal. Almost 60% I done alone without any help from my groupmates ... Yeah... I already used to it..
Firstly, I have to survey all the possible products, survey one by one, ask people about their opinion and which product that is easy for prepare. Kitorg kalau boleh memang taknak jual benda yg gunakan dapur gas ke,atau benda yg perlukan machine utk buat ke..mcm ice blended,we have to use blender rite, so kalau boleh, i want to avoid it. So, First idea, I thought I want to sell something delicious that can make people hungry as they smell of it. So, terus rasa nak jual something cheezy~ then suggest la hotdog dengan meatball topping cheese panas bagai. My groupmates just okay with it because they too lazy to think about other possible product hhmmm.... Then i suggest we sell two kind of food, which is cheesy food and dessert (Brownies and Cheesetart).. They just okay la with it.. Because I'm the one that suggest it,I have to survey all the price,the materials,the ingredients,and all costs.
After a few week, after several meetings, we decided to remove hotdog and meatball because it was too troublesome,that we have to keep it hot and before start our business,we have to prepare the hotdog and meatball... So, we just stick to cheesetart and brownies. After confirm the cheaper price that our supplier can give to us, I continue to search and compare the price of the packaging.. 100% I'm the only one that handle all of it. actually I don't mind but,still I the one who do work. I'm the one who do the weekly report, I'm the planner, and many more actually...
Okay, so, our Business week doesn't mean we can skip all our class,tauu.. Yes or no, we have to attend our class no matter what. Business bukan alasan untuk pontengg! But, this week really exhausting week! NO DOUBT!!! We have to start our business early in morning.. Luckily our products one of the hot stuff huhuhu so,Alhamdulillah~ cepat je habis. But doesn't mean orang datang beli kat kita.. We have to find our customers.Bayangkan almost every lift in every building are not functioning, and we have to climb up stairs until fifth floor!!! HADUHH! Usaha tangga kejayaan,kan. Hahhhh.. panjatlah tangga.. haduhhh...
Btw, I'm the one that do the packaging with my mom (Big applause to my mom~yay!) until 3.30 am!! EVERY.FREAKING.DAY! Minggu ni memang penat naik tangga,ke sana, ke sini, tidur tak cukup, ada exam, ada quiz, semuanya! So memang bayangkan lah penat dia... Berkali ganda dari usual week. Alhamdulillah again, keempat-empat hari,semua brownies and cheesetart dah habis sebelum azan zohor which mean before 1.33 pm.
Tapi, waktu jual tu, semua buat kerjalah, alhamdulillahh~ Syiqin and Razwan got many orders from their friends which is I don't know who is them. There's seniors and their YTM's (Yayasan Telekom Malaysia) friends. Without them,it will be hard for us to find customer.. Thank u guys huhu~ But when come too foreigner or chinese customers or lecturer(non-malay), I'm the one that have to speak up to them bout what we sell hahahaha... I was nervous af kotttt!! We have to speak English, that's why they ask me to promote to foreigners...Hey, my English is not good too k but just be confident! And u will be okay...i guess... hhhmmm...
Okay,whateverlahh..Then, business kitorg dari hari Isnin sampai Khamis, sebab Jumaat tu nak rehat dah hahaha~After all, I got exam on Thursday nite, so memang tak sempat nak balik rumah and buat packaging semua... Thats why we decided not sell on Friday.
A lot of thanks to who support us,buy our products and promote it. Including our lecturers, Mr Ramlee,Miss Jaslin, Miss Hazlini,Mdm Goh, Mr. Dennis, Sir Bad, and there's a lot more other lecturers that we don't know their names huhu~ Thanks a lot again ^^ But, still Sir Thum Ann didn't buy yet our brownies and cheesetart because as we came his office,his room locked and after we knocked the door more that twice, still there's no answer from inside. Eventho we can see obviously there's someone inside...He was hiding everyday hahahaha! Too bad Sir Thum Ann can't taste and experience our delicious,incredibly taste of Brownies Blossom and Cheesetart Swag hahaha!
Ada sesiapa nak derma darah??huhu |
Ni takde kena mengena dengan Business Week, but they will come MMU once for a few weeks. I wanna try to donate blood but I'm afraid i will collapse if I too exhausted. Then who will bring me to my room? Macam angkat gajah kang diorg. |
Sepanjang laluan ni penuh dengan peniaga2 hahaha! What u have to do? U just have to brace urself to say "NO" every seller u'll meet hahaha |
There's Brian's group~ They sell Green Tea Latte, and IT WAS SO GOODD!! |
Look at this place.. Too crowded... But it was fun at the same time~! |
Hazmi approachinggg!!!! |
Discussing about our profit and costing throughout our 4-day Business Project (Sibuk betul Razwan mengira duit) |
With one of our loyal customers,Sir Ramlee hahaha~ |
Budak baru belajar business semua ni... (ignore my fatness k?) |
Brownies Blossom sebab after u eat it,hati awak akan kembang semekar bunga hahaha |
Only swag people can eat this Cheesetart Swaggg~ |
With pretty Akak Donut,Puteri aka Pwincesss~ |
Cute rite? |
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